Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No Child Left Behind is Leaving Kids Behind

There was an article in Tuesday's San Francisco Chronicle about the dismal progress of the No Child Left Behind initiative.

What's shocking is that California now has more than 1,000 schools persistently failing to meet these standards. That's more than any other state!

Schools in this category are now forced to undergo drastic restructuring. However, the study released by the Center for Education Policy, found that there have been few positive results so far from the schools that have gone through the restructuring process. In fact, in many cases there have been negative consequences such as the inability to find new teachers once a school restructures and eliminates existing staff.

It's seems that what's not getting addressed by NCLB is the need for more school funding and more and better-skilled teachers. Without these elements can restructuring be effective? Personally I'm not very optimistic.

For the complete report go to:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The next president has a unique opportunity to start from scratch in education policy, without the deadweight of a failed, inherited No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law. The new president and Congress can recapture the "small d" democratic mantle by restoring local control of education, while initiating policies for which the federal government is uniquely suited -- providing better achievement data and equalizing the states' fiscal capacity to provide for all children.
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Books on my reading list

  • A Whole New Mind
  • Designing the Sustainable School
  • Digital Storytelling in the Classroom: New Media Pathways to Literacy, Learning & Creativity
  • Digital Storytelling: A Creator's Guide to Interactive Entertainment
  • How to Grow a School
  • No Homework & Recess All Day
  • The World is Flat
