Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What Video Games Can Teach Us About Learning

This video clip is a great interview with Professor James Paul Gee about the the need for education to focus on creativity and innovation, and collaborative problem-solving.

What's really interesting is the example of video games as a learning mechanism and what we could take from that experience to apply to other disciplines. Paul explains that video games come with a built-in assessment mechanism where you get feedback immediately on how you are doing. Playing the game and wanting to improve your ability to play can inspire you to consult the reference guide and the game also provides you with "just in time" learning along the way that you are able to employ immediately.

What Paul proposes in this clip is that we need to look at subjects like chemistry as the "game of chemistry" with rules and a reference guide (a text book) that you use after you've established that you are interested in the topic.

For more on this topic check out his book, "What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy" available from

1 comment:

Roger CSN said...

Hey good luck with the Blog...


Books on my reading list

  • A Whole New Mind
  • Designing the Sustainable School
  • Digital Storytelling in the Classroom: New Media Pathways to Literacy, Learning & Creativity
  • Digital Storytelling: A Creator's Guide to Interactive Entertainment
  • How to Grow a School
  • No Homework & Recess All Day
  • The World is Flat
